Natural Choices For Pet Urinary Problems

Pet urinary problems for dogs can involve the use of drugs such as Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) or (Proin) which are used for urinary pet problems like incontinence. This drug has numerous side effects including increased heart rate, seizures, or difficulty urinating.

DES (diethylstilbestrol) is a synthetic form of estrogen used for spayed females with pet urinary problems. This drug can affect the bone marrow which can cause anemia that does not go away when the drug is no longer given.

Sometimes PPA together with DES is used to control difficult cases of urinary pet problems. Imipramine or Tofranil is an antidepressant used in dogs where no other treatments work. This drug causes urine retention and is combined with PPA.

Pet urinary problems in cats could be the result of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Symptoms include fever, pain, little or no urine. Bacteria is usually the problem, especially if your pet roams outside where they can eat from garbage cans, eat wild mice or even a dirty litter box can cause fecal matter to get into the urethra. The urinary problem could be from other conditions like bladder stones or cancer.

Pet urinary problems can be avoided a great deal of the time for both cats and dogs if you supply plenty of water and opportunities for them to void the bladder. Keeping cat litter boxes clean and picking up your dogs yard waste often.

Do not substitute any information for the knowledge and qualified judgment of your pet's veterinarian. Many vets are providing safe natural products to supplement your pet's diet so they can experience optimum health year after year. If your dog or cat develops pet urinary problems, consider taking the natural approach to treatment. Even humans using products made from herbs and other plant based ingredients have benefited from better health. Natural products can work to improve the symptoms of urinary pet problems without using chemicals that have so many side effects. These products can provide a safe, gentle answer for healing your pet.

Rebecca Shelly has been studying alternative health conditions for pets for many years. She is a regular contributor to Pet Natural Cures a site discussing some of the most promising natural treatments for pet health on the market today. If you're looking for an alternative to harsh medications for your pet, visit the site to learn more.

Natural Cures For Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Causes and Symptoms

For removal of the liquid waste, urinary tract is used. It is the filter system of the body for the removal of the urine. Usually due to shorter urinary tract especially the women are more susceptible to bacteria. These bacteria as soon as it enters the urinary tract multiply and results into an infection which is known as urinary tract infection or simply UTI.

Usually each and every woman gets affected by this infection in one or more time in their life. Some may get infected only once but some may get affected by this infection frequently during their lifetime. Mostly UTIs are not at all serious but they may be painful. For some women UTI is very frustrating as many women are very prone to UTI and it occurs frequently.

Most common cause of the UTI is sexual intercourse. Especially women suffer from frequent UTI if they have sex with more than one. The other cause of the UTI is to wait for too long to urinate. The other causes of the UTI are menopause, diabetes or pregnancy.

The main symptoms of the UTI are the strong urge to urinate and which should not be delayed. It is also followed by a sharp pain and burning sensation in the urethra when the urine is released. As a result very little urine is released and it may be tinged with blood.

Though UTI is not a serious problem and it may be cured by taking antibiotics but few natural remedies are also there which are very effective.

1. For more than a century cranberry juice has been used as a home remedy to treat urinary tract infection. Both juice and tablets of the cranberry are fruitful in treating the urinary tract infection. Usually bacteria adhere to the walls of the urinary tract and cranberry prevents the bacteria from adhering. But it should be remembered that you must take the unsweetened cranberry juice. Often unsweetened juice is found in health food stores.

2. Uva Ursi is a herb which is very popular and it is used by majority of people. It is a folk remedy but it is not applicable to all the UTI. For certain types of UTI this remedy is very effective. But people having kidney problem, during pregnancy, children, liver disease and nursing women should not go for this remedy.

3. Other natural remedies are herbs like corn silk, golden seal, buchu, horsetail etc. And the homeopathic remedy is cantharis and staphysagria.

Read useful Urinary Tract Infection Remedies. Find simple and effective Urinary Stones Remedies.

Natural Treatment For Cat Bladder Infection

Like people, cats can have urinary problems. The most common urinary problems that can beset them include bladder infection and urinary tract infections. Cat bladder infection can occur in cats at any age.

When cats are diagnosed to have bladder infections, the vet would usually prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics are effective in treating the disease but aside from killing the harmful bacteria, they can also eliminate the beneficial ones. Furthermore, antibiotics only treat the symptoms of feline bladder infection; they do not address the root causes of the problem. Consequently, the cat may experience a recurrence of the infection after treatment.

Another downside to the use of antibiotics is that these medications can predispose the cat to bladder infections. For this reason, many cat owners have resorted to using alternative treatment in treating urinary problems in their cats.

There are certain alternative treatments for feline urinary problems such as bladder infections. These alternative treatments use the holistic approach of treating the problems in pets. One natural treatment for cat bladder infection that is rapidly rising in popularity nowadays is the homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies have shown great improvements in pets suffering from urinary tract problems. These natural treatments do not only treat the symptoms of the problem but eliminate the root causes as well. These natural remedies are also 100% safe and highly affordable. Moreover, these treatments do not contain properties that may bring about the occurrence of unpleasant and unwanted side effects and health complications as compared to medications.

To date, there are a variety of homeopathic remedies available in the market. The most commonly used homeopathic remedies are those that contain ingredients such as cantharis, uva ursi, berberis vulgaris, and staphysagris. Cantharis has properties that can help soothe the bladder. It helps maintain the healthy flow of urine. Uva ursi helps maintain the cat's normal pH level. Berberis vulgaris, on the other hand, can have a restorative effect on the cat's urinary tract and bladder. Meanwhile, staphysagris can provide symptomatic relief for a variety of feline urinary problems. When combined together in one formula, these homeopathic ingredients can help keep the cat's overall health in top condition.

Another natural treatment that is effective in treating feline bladder infection is the use of herbal remedies. Like the homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies are safe and affordable. They can also eliminate the root cause of the urinary problems instead of just treating the symptoms.

Two of the most commonly used herbs in the treatment of urinary problems in cats are the barberry and the bearberry. These herbal remedies contain antiseptic and antibacterial properties that are very effective in treating feline urinary tract infections. They also have properties that can help reduce inflammation. Prolonged use of these herbal remedies can help strengthen the cat's immune system.

If you are wary of giving your pet medications because of their side effects, you can choose to administer herbal remedies or homeopathic remedies to your cat for treating cat bladder infection. However, you may also want to consult the vet first before you give your cat any treatment. The vet's advice is very important.

Melissa Simmonds is a cat enthusiast. She has done several research on cat bladder infection Through her various research, she has learned that feline bladder infection can be treated with herbal and homeopathic remedies.

The Best Ways to Prevent the Recurrence of Canine Urinary Tract Infection

Treating dog with recurring UTI or urinary tract infection is very simple. The problem, apparently, is not the illness itself, but the possibility for owners not to notice the presence of this disease on their beloved dogs. Also, majority of the owners are not knowledgeable enough on how to handle this problem.

So what exactly is urinary tract infection?

Urinary tract infection, also known as cystitis, is a bladder infection caused by certain types of bacteria. This disease, though commonly affects human beings, can also be a medical problem on some animals like dogs and cats. In fact, 14 percent of dogs worldwide are inflicted with urinary tract infection. Most of these are single occurrences of the illness, while some more serious cases deal with recurring urinary tract infection.

Bacteria that cause urinary tract infection on dogs and cats are usually ingested by the animal. Since it is ingested, most probably because of unclean food or water supply, the bacteria can easily be transmitted to the blood and then filtered by the kidneys. When the bacteria reach the bladder, it usually stays there and multiplies. This development of bacteria in the bladder causes urinary tract infection.

UTI is one of the initial signs of the weakening of your pet's immune system. Most of its symptoms are very noticeable. One example is the need of the animal to urinate frequently. Sometimes, they may also lose control of their bladder, and urinate uncontrollably. The changes of the odor of the urine, as well as the frequent consumption or ingestion of water, are also some of the symptoms of urinary tract infection.

The above symptoms are the usual signs of urinary tract infection on dogs. Sometimes, the presence of blood in the urine may also be evident. This presence of blood usually alerts the pet owners and the veterinarians because UTI complication may already be occurring.

To detect the infection, dogs usually undergo urinalysis. The analysis of the urine should be performed by a registered veterinarian. Once the illness is confirmed, dog UTI medication or treatment immediately starts.

The veterinarian usually prescribes antibiotics to cure the infection. This is the most common dog UTI medication since antibiotics effectively eliminates the bacteria that causes the illness. After about 14 days of continuous antibiotic treatment, you may notice the remarkable change on your dog's behavior. The symptoms usually disappear at this point.

Sometimes, however, urinary tract infection may recur. Veterinarians are not very certain on the reasons for the recurrence of UTI on dogs, but most of them suspect that it is because of the unclean water or food supply. Also, you need to remember that once the infection recurs, the original prescribed antibiotic will not be effective. Bacteria are capable of developing immunity, so you must again consult your vet for a new antibiotic prescription.

Treating dog with recurring UTI is very tricky, but as previously mentioned, is also simple.

Dog owners must understand that their lifestyle, including their environment and food, is a major factor in the recurrence of UTI in their pets. What they need to do is to learn how to maintain a clean environment and to provide proper nutrition, not only to themselves but also to their pets, especially because most of us consider them as part of the family.

In addition, improper nutrition does not only cause animal urinary tract infection. Most of the time, it can also be a risk factor for other illnesses like constipation and other bowel problems

To find out more about a well-researched, natural treatment for Urinary tract infection in pets, please visit Puneet Aggarwal is a regular writer on Pet problems and suggests natural alternatives. If you have any questions, you may visit his website.

The Truth About Conventional Treatments For Pet Urinary Problems

Pet urinary problems can be treated with conventional treatments fairly easily but there is a lot that veterinarians fail to tell you. The typical treatment for urinary problems in pets is antibiotics. While antibiotics will suppress symptoms temporarily, they are by no means a long-term solution.

Urinary pet problems are notorious for recurring. If you don't want your pet to suffer from the same problem time and time again, you have to do a lot more than just rush to the vet when there is a problem, seek treatment, and then subsequently forget that anything ever happened.

Pet urinary problems require lifestyle change. Antibiotics may bring temporary relief but in many cases, they make the problem worse. Pets require high doses of drugs since they mostly get metabolized and eliminated. These high doses can aggravate urinary problems in the long run.

Not to mention the overuse of antibiotics is what has gotten us into the bind we are in. The overuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. That means that bacteria is becoming more resistant and conditions in both humans and pets are becoming harder to treat as a result!

Urinary pet problems should be dealt with using natural treatments if possible. In the case of urinary blockages, you have to take your pet to the vet to get the blockage removed unless you are a surgeon yourself. Getting the blockage removed at the vet is a priority.

After removal of the blockage however, home treatment is essential. In the case of pet urinary problems, preventive treatment is important because of the recurrent nature of the disease.

Three important aspects of preventive treatment of urinary pet problems are sufficient water intake, a natural diet, and homeopathy. Sufficient intake of clean, filtered water ensures that your pet's urine doesn't thicken, which makes it easier for stones and crystals to form. Furthermore, water helps to flush out harmful toxins that accumulate and lead to infection.

A natural diet is important because it keeps the pH level of your pet's urine balanced. So many pet owners are feeding their pets unhealthy commercial pet food, which can throw off the pH level of their urine and make it easier for bacteria to flourish. Avoid commercial food and instead give your pet natural, raw food whenever possible.

If you can't afford to give your pet raw foods, consider going to a natural foods store and finding commercial dog food that is all natural with no preservatives added. Anything is better than mainstream dog food.

Last but not least, to prevent and treat pet urinary problems, give your pet a homeopathic remedy twice a day. Homeopathic remedies are very helpful in improving the flow of urine and promoting the optimal functioning of the urinary tract and bladder.

Look for a homeopathic remedy that contains cantharis and uva ursi. These are two natural ingredients well known for their effectiveness as urinary tonics. Homeopathy is totally safe so you can give it to your pet every single day without worry of side effects.

Don't give your pet medications unnecessarily. Instead, stick with natural treatments that can help to nurse your pet back to health. Permanent results are possible with homeopathy and other natural treatments, whereas conventional treatments only bring temporary relief.

John Paduchak is a pet enthusiast, publisher, and webmaster. Throughout his life, John grew up on a 140 acre farm in upstate NY and had pet friends of many varieties. Now he currently has 3 cats, freshwater tropical fish, & 4 hermit crabs that he shares with his daughter, Marie. A strong supporter of naturopathy for pets he publishes articles on their care and training. You can learn more about pets and pet care at To Learn More about Naturopathic Remedies for your Pet, Visit

Uncover the Problems With a Cat Urinary Tract Infection

Let me tell you a quick story about a cat urinary tract infection that did not necessarily have a happen ending, so you can avoid making the same mistakes.

A few years ago, a beautiful calico cat was given to my daughter. She was absolutely gorgeous, with a very gentle demeanor. Unfortunately, soon after coming to our house she chose to avoid the litter box on occasion. Instead of enjoying her companionship, money and time was spent trying to clean furniture, carpet, and more. I knew nothing about cat urinary tract infection.

Eighteen months later, I cannot take it anymore! I have already thrown away kids toys, stuffed animals, and more to try an eliminated the odor and discourage the problem from reoccurring.  Finally, I get the wise thought to take her to the veterinary before totally giving up. Someone tells me she may have a feline urinary tract infection.

With crystals in her urine, an antibiotic is prescribed. However, the damage is done. After the medication is long gone, the problem is obviously a behavioral issue. Well, I am not in the habit of making my children cry, but with no signs of a cat urinary tract infection, the health issues for my children come first.

With tears and trepidation, I call animal control to come take her and place her up for adoption. Unfortunately, I do not have the privilege of discovering where she is today. Hopefully, she has a family who love her dearly and the change in location has addressed the problem. But, I will never know.

So, can you relate to my problem? Do you have a cat worth loving and hating all at the same time? Are you busy doing all the tips and tricks to change an elimination challenge? Before giving up, check and make sure your furry friend does not have a cat urinary tract infection.

In addition, do not assume it is only a problem for female felines. In truth, veterinarians say males may be victims of this health issue more frequently. A smaller urethra lends to more bladder and elimination problems. In the meantime, if you suspect your kitty may have need for antibiotics, here are some of the symptoms you and your health care professional will evaluate to make a proper diagnosis:

1.    Bloody urine

2.    Straining as if to defecate

3.    Urinating in strange places

4.    Urinary blockage

5.    Licking

Although you may not be able to tell, a vet can detect bloody urine, and it needs fixed right away. If you think your pet has a cat urinary tract infection, watch and see how he or she goes potty. It should not be difficult. Any signs of struggle or taking much too long may constitute a problem, just as much as urinating in strange places. Seriously, some cats will prefer to go potty in the kitchen sink or some other slick surface. Why? Unfortunately, the poor kitty now associates the litter box with pain.

Alternatively, your kitty may be avoiding the litter box because he has urinary blockage. Going potty is never truly successful. He feels the need to go all day long, and he cannot live in the box. Obviously, a pet suffering from a feline urinary tract infection will lick a lot because it hurts, and that is the only means to make it feel better. Ouch!

Are you at risk of getting rid of a loved family pet? Is he or she literally ruining the home? Well, you know my story. I hope you do not make the same mistakes. Seek the advice of a veterinarian. If it is a cat urinary tract infection, there are medications available. If not, hopefully someone in the office will know about behavioral therapy. Good luck!

Tina Matsunaga is a freelance writer for home-based businesses, Internet marketers, and professionals around the world. She enjoys working at home while raising 2 children. She holds a BA in English and secondary education from Regis University.

For more information on cat urinary tract infection, please visit

Why Puppy Urinary Problems Need to Be Taken Care of Right Away & How to Treat Them

Puppy urinary problems are quite common but they can also be easily overlooked, making them complicated to deal with. In fact, urinary tract infection is one of the most frequent diagnoses made by vets. The difficulty comes in recognizing when there is a problem and taking the steps to address it as quickly as possible.

UTI can occur in dogs of all ages as bacteria pass into the body through the urethral opening. Because puppies are still growing and their systems are fragile, puppy urinary tract infection can be particularly dangerous if not treated properly. Untreated UTI can lead to more serious conditions such as bladder or kidney blockage, which can be life threatening.

The problem with recognizing puppy urinary problems is that the main symptom of UTI, sudden urges to go which can lead to urination in places that it shouldn't be happening, can be easily mistaken for simple "growing pains" experienced by most puppies. If your puppy begins urinating frequently in the wrong places, don't necessarily assume that it is just bad behavior, it is always safest to err on the side of caution.

Getting your puppy to the vet for a proper diagnosis is the first step in treating puppy urinary tract infection. With a simple blood and urine test, your vet can determine if, in fact, a bacterial infection is present. If this is the case, then you can begin a course of treatment. In many cases, this will involve antibiotics but there are other options for treatment as well and you many want to consider these.

Among them is the use of herbal remedies. These unique products, developed by trained homeopaths, represent a safe, gentle approach to treating puppy urinary problems which can ease symptoms without subjecting your pet to the potentially hazardous side effects of traditional antibiotics.

Herbs such as Berberis vulgaris, Staphysagris and Cantharis are used in combination to provide thorough treatment of puppy urinary tract infection. Together, these herbs and other natural ingredients work to strengthen the immune system and encourage proper urine flow to improve urinary tract health. Not only does this ease UTI symptoms, it also helps to prevent recurrence of puppy urinary issues.

Along with using herbal remedies, there are other steps you can take to promote good puppy urinary health. These include feeding your pet a natural diet free of artificial colorings and preservatives and ensuring continual access to a clean water source to help flush out any built up toxins.

Growing up is never easy, for humans or dogs. As a concerned owner, you need to recognize the warning signs of potential urinary tract issues and stay on top of them. Don't assume that your puppy is just acting up, check with your vet so that you can be sure about what is causing unwanted behavior. Getting a jump start on treating UTI will help ease those growing pains for you and your puppy.

Laura Ramirez is a researcher and animal lover. Browse her findings on how to prevent pet health issues by going to

Cat Urinary Issues of the Lower Urinary Tract

For most of us our cats are quite simply a part of the family and even the slightest hint of illness will raise concern in the household. After all we don't expect our pets to get sick but the truth of the matter is sometimes they do. In these instances it is important to have an idea of what might be going wrong, if for no other reason than to give your veterinarian the much needed information to solve the puzzle. In this informational article titled "Cat Urinary Issues of the Lower Urinary Tract" we will briefly discuss a few facts and then touch on four areas of concern; bladder stones, urinary incontinence, bladder inflammation, and urethral obstruction.

Let's explore these four areas of concern.

* Bladder stones: Bladder stones normally come in two varieties struvite (magnesium) and calcium oxalate. Stones are more likely to form when an obstruction is present, infection is present, or the bladder fails to fully empty when voiding.

* Urinary incontinence: It goes without saying that when your cat loses control over urination nothing good can come of it. Rugs will start to take on a new aroma; your favorite shoes may have a new unique smell and so on. That said it is important to distinguish a physical problems from an anger management problem. Additionally, senior citizen cats may lose control over urination and leak or dribble urine. Feline leukemia, urinary tract obstruction, and birth defects are other possible causes. Urinary incontinence in felines is a broad based subject and may require some extra research on your part.

* Bladder inflammation: When the bladder becomes inflamed nothing good can come of it and actions should be taken to reverse the condition. Inflammation of the bladder can be caused by infection (normally bacterial), stones, tumors, or in some cases the condition can occur for no identifiable reason. Symptoms often seen are frequent unproductive urination and straining. It is important to point out that stress seems to play a role in both the onset and severity of feline bladder inflammation.

* Urethral obstruction: When the free flow of urine is interrupted health problems are sure to follow. Males are more likely to be effected than females however females are not immune to urethral obstructions. When urine backs up the bladder becomes stressed possible becoming distended. Toxins build up in the blood leading to vomiting, loss of appetite, possible kidney failure, and lethargy. If you see these symptoms it is important to keep a close eye on your cat and your veterinarian on speed dial.

In summary, cat urinary issues can range from mild to extremely serious and you should work with your veterinarian both to prevent and treat any current or future conditions.

Additionally, many cat owners have found homeopathic natural remedies for cat urinary health to be an affordable and effective way to prevent lower urinary tract issues. If you are looking for a safe and effective home remedy this is one option worth considering.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better pet health visit Purchase

Diet Can Cure Cat Food Urinary Problems Symptoms

If your cat is having a difficult time with urinary problems it could possibly be the cat food. Cat food urinary problems symptoms can be a result of over processed cat food which does not contain the best nutrients for the immune system to protect itself and will not create a balanced environment in the urinary tract system. If your cat is on a dry only free fed diet there will not be enough moisture for his urinary tract to flush out any bacteria when urinating and maintaining a healthy pH level.

What ever your cat eats determines his health, just like us humans. If we eat junk our health is undermined and the same with our pets. Cats need a high quality protein as the base for their diet or the poor quality cat food urinary problems symptoms will appear. There are some prepared raw meat diets you can buy in the pet food stores, but it is cheaper and not very time consuming as you may think to make your own.

Try boiling some beef, chicken or turkey; add some cut carrots or a can of mixed vegetables. You can even cook it in a slow cooker all day. It will literally fall off the bones so very little cutting is required. Serve with the broth to introduce more liquids in your cat's diet. You can divide and freeze in individual containers to last a month. Or, you can purchase ground chicken or hamburger and cook with a little water, cool and add canned cut mixed vegetables (amount depends on how much meat) but generally 1/4 of the total would be veggies. Divide and freeze or refrigerate in sealed containers for no more than three days.

Cooking your own food is a very healthy alternative to processed cat food. If you simply do not have the time, buy a high quality cat food available at pet stores. These usually cost a little more, but in the long run you won't be paying for vet bills! Also cats love fresh water. My cats love those fountains that recirculate and filter the water. And don't ask me why, but I know several people that tell me their cat loves to have a glass topped off with water on the counter (if you allow your cats on the counter). Hey, whatever encourages more water consumption!

In addition to food and water add a homeopathic remedy for cat food urinary problems symptoms specifically designed for the bladder that will help your cat fight off any infections, stimulate immunity and re-establish bladder health. Make sure that the remedy contains herbs that maintain normal pH levels in the urinary tract such as uva ursi and berberis vulgaris which restores the health of the bladder and urinary tract. Cantharis is another superior ingredient which will sustain a healthy flow of urine.

Rebecca Shelly has been researching natural remedies for many years and has found the most promising natural treatments for pet health on the market today. If you're looking for an alternative to harsh medications for your pet, visit to learn about UTI Medications.

Discover the Urinary Problems in Dogs

If you are like me, you probably never have thought about urinary problems in dogs until it happens to your furry best friend. Even then, you poor pup can suffer a lot of discomfort and pain before his/her human companions figure out there is a serious health issue. For many animal lovers, it may be difficult to know your dog is sick until she experiences canine urinary incontinence.

At this point, you have figured out there is a problem. But, you may mistakenly attribute it to bad behavior. While it may be possible for your pooch to have emotional challenges, the odds are she is experience common urinary problems in dogs. So, before you get mad and banish her to the back yard for the rest of her natural life, the symptoms suggest a trip to the vet might be in order first.

Unfortunately, an infection is only one aspect of urinary problems in dogs. Because infection spreads quickly, your furry friend can also have kidney troubles and other diseases. Sadly, dogs can also suffer from health issues like cancer. So, it is important to seek medical advice promptly, if your dog is showing any of the following symptoms:

Painful or difficult urination

Increased frequency of urination

Increased volume of urination

Excessive thirst

Pus in the urine

Blood in the urine

Crystals in the urine

Lower back pain

The odds are it is only a canine urinary tract infection. Even so, your pal will not get better without the help of some strong antibiotics. However, it will only take a day or two before the medicine starts to work, and your dog is acting like her adorable self again.

Now, you know what to look for, if you suspect urinary problems in dogs. But, the best idea is to be proactive and do everything you can to prevent canine urinary incontinence or any other painful symptoms for your pooch. Begin with 3 simple steps to help your dog stay healthy and happy:

Fresh water

Frequent potty breaks

Faithful Walks

If you ever looked at stale water under a microscope, you would have no problem providing your pets with fresh drinking water at least a couple of times a day. Crumbs and germs can make the water pretty nasty. Unfortunately, unclean liquids still have to go through the system and ultimately result in urinary problems in dogs.

In addition, many dogs spend the entire day home alone. Although they are normally able to hold their bladder for 8-10 hours, it does not mean that is an okay practice. Unless the bladder is emptied frequently, infection and germs have a great source for growth. Conversely, if given frequent opportunity to go potty, the urine will be gone and not be ammunition for encouraging urinary problems in dogs.

Finally, your dog is ever so faithful to you. Return the favor and faithfully make sure your canine companion gets to go for walks at least twice a day. The exercise is good for overall health and natural behavior will make sure the bladder is completely empty. It will be good quality time together, and make your pooch happy in the process.

Make no mistake about it. Urinary problems in dogs are nothing to fool around with or ignore. Now that you know the symptoms, do not delay if you suspect your pooch may be sick. A small health issue can turn into a big health problem rather quickly. But, take heart! You now have 3 simple ways to help prevent a recurrence in the future. You and your pet deserve many happy and healthy years together.

Tina Matsunaga is a freelance writer for home-based businesses, Internet marketers, and professionals around the world. She enjoys working at home while raising 2 children. She holds a BA in English and secondary education from Regis University.

For more information and help concerning canine urinary problems in dogs, please visit

Feline Urinary Problems - Finally! - A Non-Prescription Treatment For Feline UTI

Learning to recognize what is normal and what is abnormal behavior in cats sometimes takes a lot of decoding. Feline urinary problems are especially mysterious. At first, you might have trouble knowing the health issues from the behavioral ones. Here's some tips to help you figure out your cat and keep her healthy with natural remedies.

With some education and observation you can help your loving pet. First, take the time to learn what the signs of feline urinary problems are, such as urethral and or bladder conditions.

Whenever a pet is suffering it is heartbreaking to watch. You might feel rather helpless. Feline urinary tract infections are accompanied by a wide range of symptoms.

The good news is that if you catch the signs of an infection early, you can treat it quickly. And let's face it, you want to eliminate any pain and suffering your kitty or elderly pet has as soon as possible. One symptom is when your cat pees in odd places or strains in the litterbox and nothing comes out.

Sadly, you might even hear your cat crying. This will sound like a high-pitched meowing when the cat is trying to eliminate its waste, or when you go to pick the animal up. Also, not eating as much or even vomiting can be indications of a condition, such as a bacterial or bladder infection.

Furthermore, feline urinary problems can cause blood to appear in pee. That can be a very scary sight. Your cat might even have some sort of blockage causing all these symptoms.

Do not hesitate to inform your vet about these signs. If feline urinary tract infections are not cared for properly, they could go on to cause even more serious problems. However you can prevent them from even happening.

Among the many solutions out there, are natural treatments and holistic remedies to keep your cat healthy. Just like we might take vitamins or minerals or drink green tea, pets need healthy natural foods and supplements. Simply put, don't skimp on your cat's health.

If you want to reduce feline urinary problems, consider some of the products made with ingredients from the good earth. Look for a mixture of natural ingredients that can enhance your pet's function in this area. Herbs such as Cantharis and Arctostaphylos uva ursi are creating a buzz in the animal heath care community for their efficacy.

You don't want to mess around with your pet's health. This is one area where you can be your cat's best support. Wouldn't you rather hear happy purring than horrible screeching due to feline urinary problems? I know I would.

About The Author:

Kate Rieger is partnered with the Kentucky SNIP clinic and together they provide affordable spay/neuter services to pet owners. She also shows pet owners how using natural alternatives for pet care can reduce vet bills and keep pets out of the sick room. Visit Kate's site today to find more options for treating feline urinary problems.

Feline Urinary Problems - The Truth Behind Your Cat's Litter Box Problems

If your cat has been having litter box problems lately, don't get pissed and literally throw the cat out of the house to punish it. The litter box incidents may not be the cat's fault at all. Instead of giving your cat the retribution for all its bad behavior, why not try to get down to the bottom of the matter first? Make a little investigation.

Although it is not something that you would want to do and would like doing, try spying on your cat when he tries to urinate. A lot of things could be cleared by knowing your cat's urinary behavior.

Cats are lovable and cuddly animals but they are extremely sensitive. Any bodily discomfort they may feel may hamper their normal functioning. The litter box problems may be caused by some discomfort they are going through. Most often, when cats start to have problems with the litter box, they may be suffering from a bout of feline urinary tract infection.

How will you know if your cat is indeed suffering from feline urinary tract infection? First thing to do is to note if your cat is suffering from other feline urinary problems such as straining while urinating, attempting to urinate but producing only small trickles of urine, an intense smell in the urine, blood in the urine, and worst, not urinating at all. A cat with feline urinary tract infection may also constantly lick its genital area and exhibit signs of pain. When the cat strains but produces no urine, it is vital that you immediately give it proper attention as this is a serious condition. The help of the veterinarian is of the essence in such a case.

In most cases, it is hard to tell if the cat is suffering from any of these symptoms. This is where your sleuthing talent is needed. When you suspect that your cat is going through bouts of feline urinary problems as can be deduced from the litter box incidents, check the cat's deposits on the floor and look for signs of blood, crystals, or stone formations. If you do not find any of these in the cat's urine, feel the cat's bladder through its lower abdomen. If there is something wrong with the bladder, your cat will most likely react and cry in pain. If this is the case, then do not hesitate a second to bring your cat to the veterinarian as it may indeed be suffering from feline urinary tract infection. This condition is critical in cats and may result to more severe problems if not treated immediately.

Feline urinary problems cause discomfort not only to the cats but to the cat owners themselves. However, instead of punishing your cat for all the headaches it had caused you, give it proper medical attention. Cats are like humans who need care and understanding.

Once the cat has been diagnosed and given proper medication, it is certain that the owner would enjoy its company again. The litter box problems would be a thing of the past and would soon be forgotten. However, owners must be aware that a recurrence of the disease could occur. Thus, they must take extra precautionary measures to prevent the recurrence of the disease in their cats. They could give their cats homeopathic remedy which could help prevent the recurrence of infection, keeping the cats in sound health.

Melissa Simmonds is a cat lover. She owns a number of cats herself. Having a soft heart for these cuddly creatures, she has made extensive research on feline urinary problems For more information on cat's health, visit the most comprehensive feline urinary tract infection resource online.

Feline Urinary Problems - What Every Cat Owner Should Know

Did you know that up to 1.5 percent of all cats in the US are plagued with feline urinary problems? That's a lot of cats.

These problems can range from an uncomfortable cat bladder infection to a life-threatening cat urinary blockage. An an informed cat owner, you should always be on the lookout for cat urinary problems.

What's The Difference Between FUS And FLUTD?

Many cat owners are confused, and rightfully so, over the terms used to describe cat urinary problems. FLUTD is an acronym that stands for Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. FLUTD used to be known as FUS, or Feline Urologic Syndrome. Feline Urologic Syndrome has been renamed as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease to reflect that most of the urinary problems in cats happen in the lower urinary tract, which includes the bladder and urethra.

Overview Of Feline Urinary Disease

There are many different aspects to feline urinary problems. Here's a quick overview of a few different conditions that can affect your cat's urinary tract.

Cystitis is an inflammation of your cat's bladder.
If your cat's urethra is inflamed, he has urethritis.
Idiopathic cystitis means that the cause of the bladder inflammation is not known.
Bladder stones in cats often occur as a result of feline urinary crystals.
A tumor in your cat's bladder may cause problems, too.

You can see that it's important to pinpoint what's causing your cat's urinary tract problems in order to treat his condition successfully.

Symptoms of Cat Urinary Problems

No matter what's causing the feline urinary tract problems, your cat will show these symptoms:

Bloody urine
Urinating in places other than his litter box
Urinating often, but passing only small amounts of urine
Straining to urinate, or not being able to pass urine at all
Crying out in pain in the litter box

Any of these symptoms should be enough for you to take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

What Your Vet Will Do

Your vet will examine your cat and feel his bladder to see how full it is. The vet will also want to do a urinalysis to check for infection or feline urinary crystals, and may want to do a cat urine culture to see if bacteria are present. If your cat's bladder is distended, that indicates a cat urinary blockage, and your vet may want to take x-rays or do an ultrasound to look for cat bladder stones.

What Can You Do To Prevent Feline Urinary Disease?

There are many steps cat owners can take to prevent their cats from developing feline urinary tract problems. The most important thing you can do is to feed a high-quality canned food. Cats are supposed to get most of their water from their food.

A cat who eats only dry food is usually chronically dehydrated, which leads to his urine becoming concentrated. And concentrated urine can lead to cat bladder stones, and a whole host of problems that goes along with them.

Be sure your cat always has access to plenty of clean, fresh water, too.

You may want to consider giving your cat a natural remedy for pets that supports bladder health in felines. This remedy should contain herbal extracts of barberry and uva ursi, along with the homeopathic remedies Cantharis and Staphysagria. These natural treatments have stood the test of time for bladder infections in humans, and they have been proven to work very well in cats.

Your goal now? To make sure your cat doesn't become a statistic suffering from feline urinary problems.

Darlene Norris has combined her long-time interest in natural healing with her experience working at a vet clinic to bring you her new website, Natural Pet Urinary Health. Learn how to prevent feline urinary problems, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies at

Healing a Cat Urinary Problem the Safe & Natural Way

When your pet has a cat urinary problem, you have a choice to make. You can use harsh prescription drugs or natural medicines. As more pet owners understand the benefits of going natural, they choose can treatments that are gentle but effective. In this article, you'll learn the information necessary to make the best choice for your cat.

The most common cat urinary problem is a urinary tract infection. If your cat is diagnosed with this condition, your vet will prescribe antibiotics. Most pet owners are not aware that antibiotics can cause further problems. First, if the bacteria that caused the infection is immune to the antibiotic, then your cat's infection may keep coming back. Second, antibiotics don't heal the cause of the infection-they only suppress the symptoms for a period of time so the body can heal itself, but this does not always work. Third, antibiotics are drugs and drugs have side effects. This is an important consideration since cats are sensitive creatures.

Whether you opt for prescription or natural medicine, it is important to create a good foundation with a proper diet. This means feeding your cat food that is natural and rich in nutrients. When purchasing cat food, make sure to read the label. Stay away from food that contains cheap grains, fillers, additives and other chemicals. Since water is important for hydration and flushing toxins from the bladder, make sure your cat has plenty of fresh, filtered water to drink.

If you decide not to give your cat antibiotics, what are the options? You can do what thousands of pet owners are doing and give your cat a holistic medicine. These medicines are completely natural, gentle, but effective and have no side effects. Best of all, they actually heal the conditions that caused the issue in the first place while restoring the pH to the bladder so bacteria cannot grow. After years of research, I consider a holistic remedies the best, most practical solution for a cat urinary problem.

For pets that tend to get recurring infections, a holistic remedy is gentle enough to be used for daily prevention. Look for a remedy that has ingredients like Uva Ursi and Cantharis which have been proven to be effective. The best remedies come in granular form that can be sprinkled into cat food and are very affordable.

Your pet depends on you to make the best treatment choice for a cat urinary problem or any other medical issue. Make the choice that you feel good about: one that supports your cat's health, longevity and doesn't lead to further complications.

Laura Ramirez is a longtime researcher of holistic remedies which heal disorders and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet's urinary tract health at

How to Care For Urinary Problems in Dogs

If you are like me, you probably have a hard time imagining your beloved pet being anything but his rambunctious self. But, there will be a day when your canine companion is really sick. When that time comes, it will be up to you to recognize the symptoms. For example, most people do not realize they will one day have to know how to care for urinary problems in dogs.

In truth, the malady is quite common, especially in the smaller breeds. Since your pooch will not be able to articulate his pain and discomfort, it will be your job to recognize the symptoms, and take him to the vet, especially if he is suffering from canine urinary incontinence. Instead of simply succumbing to the natural response to get angry and banish him to the doghouse, see if he has been exhibiting the signs of infection.

In addition to incontinence, urinary problems in dogs will be manifested in several ways:

He is drinking an abnormally large amount of water
He is asking to go out all the time
He seems to take forever to go potty
He is in pain
He does not want to play
He just wants to lay around

Naturally, your canine companion will have a day, here and there, when he simply does not feel up to par. He might have eaten something disagreeable, have a cold, or a myriad of other problems. However, if the symptoms of urinary problems in dogs persist, the best thing you can do for your pal is to seek professional help.

After all, what fun-loving pup does not run to the door when the leash comes out? An offer to go for a walk, go to the park, or take a ride in the car is simply too good to pass up. However, if he is the poster pup for urinary problems in dogs, chances are he will not want to do anything other than lie around, unless he needs to go potty for the tenth time in an hour.

So, now you know he is in trouble. What can you expect, when you take your furry friend to the vet? Well, the doctor will probably start out by asking a few pointed questions like:

What breed is the dog?
How old is the dog?
How often does it urinate?
How much urine is produced?
Anything unusual about the appearance or odor of the urine?
Is the dog excessively thirsty?
Has the dog broken house-training?
When were the symptoms first noticed?
Has the dog been treated for previous urinary tract infections? When and how?
What has the dog been eating?

The questions are designed to help the vet determine if it is like all common urinary problems in dogs, or whether your canine companion has something else going on, as far as illnesses are concerned. Unfortunately canine urinary incontinence can also be a symptom of other health issues as well.

However, once it has been determined that your pet has joined the club for urinary problems in dogs, the vet will likely prescribe an antibiotic for you to give as recommended. In fact, you might be pleasantly surprised to see how fast your friend bounces back after a dose or two. Nevertheless, finish the medicine, so the infection is long gone and not likely to return.

Your next step? To take what you have just learned, and discover whether your ailing pet is indeed suffering from common urinary problems in dogs. Otherwise, store the information away, so if he ever begins to suffer from canine urinary incontinence, instead of getting mad, you will know immediately to get help right away!

Tina Matsunaga is a freelance writer for home-based businesses, Internet marketers, and professionals around the world. She enjoys working at home while raising 2 children. She holds a BA in English and secondary education from Regis University.

If you want to know more about urinary problems in dogs, please visit

How to Recognize and Treat Urinary Incontinence and Other Urinary Problems in Dogs

Let me tell you a quick story. I started to notice my pet husky urinating in different parts of the house and at first thought it must have been a behavioral problem so scolded him for doing it. I brought the issue up with his vet who did some tests and what do you know, he was diagnosed with canine urinary incontinence.

Both dogs and cats suffer from this condition but it is the most common among female dogs. In some cases, urinary problems in dogs stem from birth defects such as an ectopic ureter, which is when one or both ureters connect to an abnormal location such as the urethra or vagina. This condition can also be accompanied by frequent bacterial infections of the bladder and urinary tract. Dogs who suffer from this condition may constantly drip urine. In order to correct this condition, a surgical procedure is necessary otherwise the problem will come back.

To get a correct diagnosis, take your dog to the veterinarian to get some tests done. Your vet will test your dog's blood to see if there are any signs of diseases that could be causing canine urinary incontinence. He will also test the urine for bacterial cultures. An ultrasound may also be done in order to examine the different parts of the bladder and urinary tract.

Incontinence can also be caused by hormone imbalance, bacterial infection, bladder stones, loosening of the urinary sphincter with old age, or a blockage of the urethra. Symptoms of bladder infections and problems include the inability to urinate, urinating in inappropriate places, excessive or frequent urination, and urinating only drops at a time.

In order maintain your dog's urinary tract health it is important to ensure that he has a healthy diet and lifestyle. Make sure to feed your dog healthy, unprocessed foods that are organic if possible. Feed your dog foods that contain minerals like magnesium, thiamin, and niacin in order to promote a healthy bladder. Diet goes a long way in preventing urinary problems in dogs.

Also make sure that your dog always has access to fresh, clean water. If possible, give your dog bottled or filtered water versus chlorinated or fluoridated tap water. Moreover, ensure your dog gets a sufficient amount of exercise each day and plenty of opportunities to empty his bladder by taking him out for a walk at least twice a day. Holding it in can lead to canine urinary incontinence, UTI, and other problems.

It is important to take your pets to a veterinarian and get a correct diagnosis in order to give them a specific treatment. If a surgical procedure is necessary you aren't going to see improvements with lifestyle and dietary changes. Homeopathic remedies are useful as complementary treatments in this case however in order to support immune functioning and promote overall health and healing after the surgical procedure.

Mainstream veterinarians are quick to prescribe strong medication such as estrogens when the exact cause of urinary problems in dogs is unknown. If you don't want to risk exposing your dog to serious side effects, your best bet will be to administer a homeopathic treatment as well as implement the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes in order to prevent, heal, and treat the problems holistically and safely.

Your next step? Take what you have learned and start making the lifestyle changes necessary in order to promote optimal bladder functioning and health in your dog. Canine urinary incontinence can be caused by a variety of factors so your first step should be to visit a veterinarian and get a proper diagnosis. Remember that even if you do opt for conventional therapy, in order to promote long term health and disease prevention, homeopathic remedies and lifestyle changes are by far the most effective.

NaturVet Cranberry Relief, 50 Gram

NaturVet Cranberry Relief, 50 GramCranberry relief is used for dogs and cats to treat and prevent urinary tract disease. It also supports the bladder and kidneys of animals with non-urogenital problems. Contains cranberry proanthocyanid extract which inhibits bacteria from colonizing on the bladder wall and Oregon grape root with berberine to kill bacteria. Also contains Echinacia to boost the immune system and Vitamin C to acidify the urine. Each 50 gm container contains approximatle 90 scoops. Directions: Cats and Dogs: 0 to 15 pounds (1 scoop), 16-50 lbs ( 1 1/2 scoops), 51 lbs and over (2 scoops). Feed this amount twice daily for 1 to 3 weeks. Thereafter feed twice weekly.

Price: $14.49

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Native Remedies Petalive Kidney Support To Support Healthy Cat And Dog Kidneys And Urinary Tract Health (50ml)

Native Remedies Petalive Kidney Support To Support Healthy Cat And Dog Kidneys And Urinary Tract Health (50ml)Kidney Support is a 100 percent safe, natural remedy formulated by a team of experts in the field of natural medicine. Used regularly, kidney support will promote kidney functioning, support healthy blood pressure within the normal range and encourage excretion of waste products - thus providing support for optimum performance of the canine or feline urinary tract system. Kidney support contains herbal ingredients especially selected to address canine & feline kidney health and provide support to the urinary tract system. Kidney support is presented in a concentrated tincture formula, making it easy to administer disguised in their food or favorite treat. The formula remains true to the whole spectrum method of herbal extraction, ensuring the bio-availability and balance of all the active ingredients contained in the remedy. This method of manufacture also significantly reduces the likelihood of side effects and maintains all active ingredients in perfect balance - exactly as nature intended.

Price: $49.95

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How to Treat Dog Urinary Problems Safely and Quickly in 3 Simple Steps

Want to learn how to treat dog urinary problems and prevent them from recurring? If you're a caring pet owner, who can't stand to see your dog in pain, you will want to read this article. It will open your eyes about how to stop infections and prevent them from happening again.

Treating Dog with Urinary Problem: The Medical Way

When you take your dog to the vet for a urinary tract infection or bladder stones, your vet will probably prescribe antibiotics. Although we've become accustomed to treating infections with prescription drugs, this may not be the best option for your dog. First of all, many types of bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics. Second, these drugs do not cure the cause of the infection. Instead, they just suppress the symptoms, so the body can heal itself. This is why the use of antibiotics can often lead to recurring issues. Worse yet, the side effects can exacerbate your pet's suffering.

This is why millions of pet owners are turning to natural remedies instead. Used as part of 3-step plan, these remedies are highly effective, yet gentle enough to use daily for pets that tend to have urinary problems due to their breed or age-related decline. Below are the benefits of using an herbal remedy, along with the 3-step plan.

Treating Dog with Urinary Problems: A Natural 3-Step Plan

The benefits of using natural remedies to treat dog urinary problems are many. First, natural remedies have no side effects or drug interactions which means they are completely safe and will not interact with any other medicine that your dog needs to take. Second, they get to the cause of the infection by restoring the proper pH to the bladder, dissolving infection and bladder stones. Third, the gentle ingredients heal inflammation and restore a healthy bladder flow.

When choosing a natural remedy, look for the following ingredients: Uva Ursi, Cantharis, Berberis and Staphysagris. These natural ingredients are a highly effective way to treat dog urinary problems without complications. As mentioned earlier, they are also gentle enough to use daily for prevention for dogs that tend to have urinary issues.

As promised, here is the 3-step plan:

1) Give your pet a natural remedy.

2) Support the remedy with healthy food made from real ingredients. Read the label and avoid kibble or canned food that contains hard-to-pronounce chemicals, preservatives, meat by products and cheap grains. These ingredients can actually change the bladder pH. Instead, look for food that is made from real meat, vegetables and healthy, whole grains.

3) Make sure your pet's water bowl is full of fresh, clean water. Use a tap filter to eliminate the chemicals found in city water which can also alter the bladder pH. Hand in hand with clean water is your pet's ability to urinate as needed and eliminate stored toxins from the bladder.

As you can see, this is a simple plan to treat dog urinary problems that can be used for treatment and for prevention once your dog is cured. Follow it daily and you will have a happy, tail-wagging hound who is healthy and completely free from urinary issues.

Laura Ramirez researches natural solutions which heal disorders and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet's urinary tract health at

Is Your Cat Having Trouble Urinating? About Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (Urinary Blockage)

Have you ever had several cups of coffee and no access to a toilet? Having a full bladder and being unable to empty it is definitely uncomfortable. Cats with feline lower urinary tract disease are in pain. If this condition is untreated it can be fatal.

Symptoms of a urinary tract blockage:

Straining to urinate
Frequent trips to the litter box with either no success or only small amounts of urine being produced
Licking of the genital area
Leaving small amounts of urine in strange spots in the house such as the bathtub
Inappetance and lethargy
Some cats will walk very gingerly because of the pain in their bladder
Many cats will yowl because of the pain

A urinary tract blockage is a condition of male cats. (It is quite rare for a female cat to have this problem). Male cats have a very tiny urethra to urinate through. If there is debris such as crystals or sloughed cells in the urethra we can get either a partial or a complete blockage.

Causes of FLUTD

The exact cause is not always known. In the past we used to blame "high ash diets" for this condition. While there is some truth to this, there are actually a number of factors that can contribute to a urinary tract blockage.

High Ash?

High ash means that there is a large amount of mineral such as calcium, magnesium and others in the food. There is more ash produced when a food is manufactured with a low quality meat. But, recent studies have shown that it is not actually the ash content that we are worried about but rather the urinary pH and something called relative supersaturation.

Urinary pH

If the pH of a cat's urine is high then this creates a favorable environment for struvite crystals to form. There are several possible causes for high pH including:

poor quality cat food
bacteria in the urinary tract
feeding your cat certain foods that cause an increase in urinary pH such as milk

Struvite crystals:

A few struvite crystals in the urine do not cause a problem. However, large amounts of crystals can cause inflammation which leads to pain, bleeding and can lead to infection. The crystals can clump together and form a tiny stone which can lodge in the urethra. Or, the inflammation can cause a buildup of "debris" which can form a plug in the urethra.

How serious is the problem?

A urinary tract blockage (or partial blockage) is a serious life threatening emergency! If you think your cat may have a blockage it is important for him to be seen immediately, even if it means a visit to the emergency clinic.

If the urethra is blocked, the buildup of pressure in the bladder causes an increase in pressure in the kidneys. A cat can go into kidney failure quite quickly when this happens. We will also see an increase in potassium. If potassium increases too much this can cause heart failure.

Please do not try to treat this at home. I have had many clients of Ask A Vet Question ask me if they could give antibiotics because they felt their cat had a urinary tract infection. A UTI is actually uncommon in cats. Antibiotics alone will not cure a urethral blockage.

What will your vet do?

Your vet may do:

A physical exam including palpation of the bladder. A very large bladder tells us that the cat is indeed blocked.
A urinalysis. They may get the urine sample by inserting a small needle into the bladder.
Bloodwork to determine if there is kidney disease and to help determine how life threatening the condition is.
If there is only a partial blockage and your cat is stable your vet may decide to try medical treatment which may include medications to help relax the urethra as well as pain medications and special food to help dissolve any crystals.
Most cats will need to have a urethral catheter placed. In most cases this needs to be done under an anesthetic.
Your cat will likely have to stay on intravenous fluids to help to support and flush the kidneys and bladder for a few days.
After 1-3 days your vet will pull out the urethral catheter and assess whether your cat can urinate on his own.

What will the cost be?

The cost depends on whether your cat needs anesthesia and how long of a hospital stay is needed. In my practice hospitalization of a blocked cat usually costs anywhere from $700 to $1500.

Will this happen again? Some cats have a predisposition to a urinary tract blockage and can block again days, weeks or months after the surgery. In order to prevent this from happening it is important that your cat stays on the prescription food that your vet gives to you and any medications that are prescribed. Your vet may also recommend rechecking your cat's urine a few times a year to see if any problems are brewing. If we can catch a urinary problem before a full blockage happens then many times it can be treated with medication rather than expensive hospitalization.

For some cats, a procedure called a perineal urethrostomy is a possibility. This is a surgery that opens up the urethra so that the opening is more like a female cat.

Ask a vet a question.

Greenies Pill Pockets, Beef, 7.9 oz, for Capsules

Greenies Pill Pockets, Beef, 7.9 oz, for CapsulesGreenies® Pill Pockets® treats for dogs are a nutritious treat that contain a built-in pocket, perfect for hiding a pill or supplement. Dogs love the taste so much - they won't even notice there's medicine inside!
Make giving pills a positive experience
The idea is simple. If you put medication inside something dogs actually like, then giving pills becomes a lot easier. The delicious pocket masks any hint of medicine, making Greenies® Pill Pockets® a stress free pill delivery treat.
Veterinarian designed and recommended
Greenies® Pill Pockets® treats for dogs were designed by vets and experts. So they not only help with the delivery of medication, they are also a source of vitamins C & E to promote a healthy immune system.
Greenies® Pill Pockets® treats come in convenient sizes to match your pill size. Large size fits most capsules.

Price: $8.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Looking For Information on Urinary Problems in Dogs?

It's such a happy day when your dog finally learns how to urinate outside and not all over your new antique carpet. Years later, when the dog starts breaking the rules again you have to wonder what went wrong? You probably know your dog very well and can sense when something isn't right. You are correct-dogs do not forget how to follow the rules of the house. Usually, they are unaware that they are urinating, are in pain, or may even be unable to suppress the urge. What are the most common urinary problems in dogs?

One of the most common urinary problems in dogs is chronic renal failure, also called kidney disease. This is a disorder of the urinary system and involves the gradual deterioration of the kidneys. This condition primarily affects older dogs. What are the symptoms to look out for? Usually pets that are suffering from this disease will drink lots more water and urinate more frequently. As the disease gets worse, they will lose their appetite, lose weight and perhaps vomit. They may also slow down in growing a healthy coat of fur. Is there anything that can be done for kidney disease? Dietary management is the best solution and medication can also help tremendously. Dialysis can also control symptoms, though kidney transplants are usually a high-risk. Though kidney disease is basically a terminal illness, this does not mean that your dog only has months to live. Some dogs, with proper treatment, can remain stable years after the initial diagnosis.

The next condition to consider in common urinary problems in dogs is that of urinary tract infection. This happens when a bacterial outbreak occurs in the urinary tract and then slowly spreads throughout the dog's system. This condition is more common in female dogs. You also cannot discount the possibility of diabetes, Cushing's disease, and chronic renal failure as the ultimate cause of this condition. If the urine smells exceptionally foul or has traces of blood, then it may be indicative of urinary tract infection. However, do not wait for stronger symptoms to seek treatment if you already have a suspicion. This can be treated with antibiotics as well as dietary changes and even alternative medicines for pets.

Canine Urinary Incontinence

Canine urinary incontinence may result when a dog's sphincter muscle that holds in urine becomes weak. If the dog is very wet, especially around the legs or tail, this could be a telling sign. Drug therapy is the best treatment for this condition.

Other Urinary Problems in Dogs

The last of the most common of urinary problems in dogs (though this is not by any means a comprehensive list) is that of urinary stones. These stones are made up of minerals and they form in the urinary tract causing blockage and difficult urination. This condition is best treated with stone-dissolving medications, though certain diets can also help to break down the stones over time. Surgical removal is an option at least for very severe cases. Your veterinarian would first make sure that your dog is up to this type of surgery before proceeding. He or she will also make sure that your dog isn't sensitive to certain medications.

Do not conclude that prescription strength pet medication is the only answer to serious urinary problems in dogs. The facts show that some homeopathic products can be just as effective as clinical pet medication. Some pets may not be able to handle powerful drugs given by the clinic. Since most homeopathic products are naturally based, this may prove to be more effective treatment for sensitive pets. No matter what type of therapy you choose it is important to consult with a trusted veterinarian first.

For more information on urinary problems in dogs visit

My name is Einar Eskeland. I am a norwegian medical doctor and homoeopath. I promote several high quality sources of knowledge and products for self improvement, health, evolution and growth as a part of my practice as a doctor, and as a help for my patients in their struggle to regain health and balance.

Looking to Treat Dog Urinary Problems and Stop Them From Recurring? Here's What You Need to Do

Do you have a dog that is prone to urinary problems? Are you wondering how you can treat dog urinary problems and yet at the same time prevent them from recurring? Do you want to know what kind of diet will lower the risk of urinary problems and improve your dog's health? You will find the answers to these questions in this article.

If your dog is suffering from a urinary problem, you can choose to treat it with either prescription drugs and natural remedies.

Treating dog with urinary problem with prescription drugs

Most of us have got used to the idea of treating canine urinary problems with antibiotics. This is a necessary specific therapy that will help to eliminate infection from the body. There is a chance that your dog will not tolerate a particular antibiotic well, although a veterinarian can adjust the medication as needed.

Treating dog with urinary problem with natural remedies

Natural remedies differ from antibiotics in a number of ways. Unlike antibiotics, they do not specifically address the infection. Instead, homeopathic products are formulated to support the health of the urinary system, so that your dog can naturally keep bacteria from colonizing or taking hold in the urinary tract.

They are not used instead of antibiotics, but with antibiotics to reduce the severity of symptoms and strengthen the a dogs urinary system to the point where it naturally protects itself from infection. In the case of mild infection, this might be all you need, although this is more a decision for you and your veterinarian and the results of any testing such as an urinalysis.

When purchasing a natural remedy, avoid any product that contains chemicals, flavors, colors, or any other additives. The product you choose should contain 100% natural ingredients and should be free of chemicals. Look for a product that contains well-known homeopathic remedies like berberis vulg, uva ursi, cantharis, and staphysagris. Also make sure the product you choose is manufactured in a GMP compliant laboratory under the supervision of qualified pharmacists and homeopaths.

Visit the manufacturer's website before you buy their products and look for information such as customer testimonials and money back guarantee details. These are some of the factors that indicate that the manufacturer is confident of the quality of their product.

Along with conventional and supportive treatment approaches, make sure you are feeding your dog a high quality AAFCO certified dog food from a reputable manufacturer. Also, make sure that your dog has a constant supply of clean water. Add some berry based juice to the water for extra protection, as berries have properties that help to keep bacteria from clinging to the bladder walls.

What you need to remember is very simple. The combination of healthy food, clean water, and a regular dose of homeopathic remedies can contribute to the way you treat dog urinary problems and stop them from recurring. Initially use a specific therapy such as antibiotics to treat any infection, particularly in more advanced cases. So, follow the tips given above and take good care of your dog.

Jeff Grill is an editor of the Pet Health Guide, which has additional information on how to treat dog urinary problems.

For information on natural or homeopathic approaches the author recommends this site on treating dog with urinary problem.

Purina ''Glucotest'' Feline Urinary Glucose Detection System

Purina ''Glucotest'' Feline Urinary Glucose Detection System
Now there's an easier way to help ensure diabetic cats are well controlled at home - with the Purina Glucotest brand Feline Urinary Glucose Detection System. The indicator pieces work in the litter box to alert owners of changes in urine glucose levels that may require veterinary attention.

Price: $9.10

Click here to buy from Amazon

Royal Canin Urinary SO Dry Food for Cats And Kittens 5.5 Pound Bag

Royal Canin Urinary SO Dry Food for Cats And Kittens 5.5 Pound BagFormulated to aid in the management of feline lower urinary tract disease ROYAL CANIN Veterinary Diet® feline URINARY SO® 33 dry, URINARY SO® in gel can, and URINARY SO® in gravy pouch are complete and balanced diets for adult cats formulated to aid in the prevention and management of feline lower urinary tract disease due to calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and struvite urolithiasis.

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UTI-Free Granules by Pet Alive to Treat & Prevent Bladder & Urinary Issues

UTI-Free Granules by Pet Alive to Treat & Prevent Bladder & Urinary IssuesUTI-Free is a safe, non-addictive 100% natural homeopathic remedy registered with the FDA and formulated especially for pets to relieve frequent urination, bladder discomfort and urinary tract problems in both dogs and cats.

Especially aimed at pets that tend to suffer with bladder issues, PetAlive UTI-Free helps to address acute symptoms at a cellular level, thereby contributing to harmony and health by supporting the urinary system and bladder.

UTI-Free comes in convenient, dissolvable granule form. Safe and easy to administer, these pleasant tasting granules are simply sprinkled on your pet's tongue and rapidly absorbed in the mouth - making them easy to administer and can be used as needed for occasional episodes. Reviews as follows: "My 8 lb. baby, Miss Kitty (20 yrs), was diagnosed ?I watched her lose muscle mass and energy. She really didn't feel good. Since giving her UTI-Free for 2 weeks, her frequency of urination is up to once every 2 hours, and the amount of urine finally seems normal. This medicine is tasteless, I guarantee it! I mix it in a small amount of food 3 times a day, and then feed her the rest. She has added weight since being on her favored fresh meat diet, and seems frisky and happy again." "Thank you so much for making your wonderful products. Your UTI-Free and Digestive Support herbal medicines have really helped my dog. Now she can get back to doing what she does best, playing and barking! Again, thank you so very much!! "-Christie

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The Natural Solution For Cat Urinary Problems

A cats urinary problem can cause a lot of concern as owners watch their pets struggle to go to the bathroom. Nobody likes to see their four legged friends in pain and discomfort and so most owners will rely on the standard treatment option of antibiotics. Along with the antibiotics, it makes sense to also use a homeopathic product that can speed healing and help to prevent future cat UTI (urinary tract infection) problems.

Urinary tract infection and other cat urinary problems are unfortunately quite common. Cats are regularly exposed to an enormous amount of bacteria which can easily enter the system and build up to dangerous levels. At its most serious state, this can lead to life threatening blockages. Natural remedies help to improve urinary tract function and bolster the immune system to help your cat fight off bacterial infection.

Of course, any treatment for a cats urinary problem begins with recognizing the symptoms. Difficulty urinating, urinating in small amounts, blood in the urine, and the tendency to urinate in unusual places are some of the most common symptoms of urinary tract issues. If your cat begins avoiding its litter box, that is a good sign that something is wrong and you should get him to the vet for a proper diagnosis.

While the antibiotics generally prescribed for cat urinary problems will work to ease symptoms, they also can have some serious side effects in cats that do not tolerate these types of medications well. And taking them over a prolonged period of time can actually weaken the immune system, leaving your cat susceptible to illness. Natural remedies offer an alternative option as they work to strengthen the immune system while easing surface symptoms. While most cats do tolerate herbal remedies, you should first provide a small sample and observe your cat just to be on the safe side.

Made from 100% natural ingredients, these products not only work to ease painful symptoms, they also soothe and protect the delicate urinary tract, help to maintain healthy urine flow, prevent leakage and relieve bladder discomfort. When it comes to treating a cats urinary problem, nothing works more thoroughly because nothing else is designed to treat the body as a whole rather than isolating symptoms.

Combining such herbs as Berberis vulgaris, Staphysagris and Cantharis, natural remedies work at the cellular level to promote proper urinary tract function. And they take healing one step further by bolstering immune system function, which not only helps with cat urinary problems but also leads to improved overall health.

Along with using natural remedies, you can further prevent your cats urinary problem by feeding him a balanced diet and ensuring that he has continual access to a clean water source and a clean litter box. All of this will enable him to properly eliminate toxins from his system and can help to avoid a buildup of bacteria.

Don't assume that antibiotics are your only option for treating urinary issues. Talk to your vet today about how a natural approach would work for your cat. The natural approach may be your cat's best friend!

Jeff Grill is the editor of the Cat Health Guide, which has more information on how to treat a cat urinary problem. The author also recommends the Pet Health Guide for more information on treating a cat urinary tract infection.

Understanding the Most Common Cat Urinary Problems

Male feline urinary blockage is one of the most common male cat urinary problems. This medical problem occurs when organic materials block the urine passage of the animal in the urinary tube known as the urethra. The usual materials that lodge in the urethra are kidney stones or formed mucoid material. This blockage is more common in male cats than in females because the urethral plugs occur on the part of the urethra in the penis. This part of the urethra is very narrow on male cats and usually makes it more prone to the said blockage.

Male feline urinary blockage requires surgical correction to prevent complications. Most cat owners are not aware that this problem is usually fatal to their pets. Male feline urinary blockage prevents the urine from getting flushed out of the animal's body. When urine accumulates, it may release toxins that could kill the animal in a matter of days.

The said surgery is known as the perineal urethrostomy. Perineal urethrostomy is done by creating another opening below the cat's anus. This opening will serve as the new urine excretory passage. Usually, this surgery is irreversible but it is very effective in preventing the growth of a tumor or even the death of the animal.

After the surgery, some complications like bleeding, or the development of bladder infection may occur. This must be immediately consulted to a veterinarian to prevent further damage.

Perineal urethrostomy is not the only solution to treat male cat urinary problems. Sometimes, a veterinarian may prescribe certain medications to dissolve the stones. Also, urinary blockage is not the only probable urinary tract illness that a cat can have.

Apparently, all urinary tract illnesses show the same signs and symptoms. Some of these symptoms include the frequent and uncontrollable urination of the animal, the presence of blood in the urine, and the repeated grooming of the animal's genitals.

Whether these are the symptoms of urinary blockage or not, you cannot be sure unless you consult the problem to a veterinarian. After a urine analysis, the real problem may be evident and the proper treatment can be started.

Most of the time, urinary blockage is not the diagnosis because the most common type of urinary problem is urinary tract infection caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi. This male cat urinary problem is more common than male feline urinary blockage, and is easier to cure.

A veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics that the cat must take for seven to fourteen days. A variety of natural and herbal solutions are out in the market, though veterinarians still prefer the use of antibiotics.

After the antibiotic treatment, the urinary tract infection may recur. Pet owners must remember that the original antibiotic prescriptions will no longer be effective because bacteria have a tendency to develop immunity to drugs they have been previously exposed to. The veterinarian must prescribe another antibiotic for the recurring infection.

Like bowel-related problems, urinary tract infection is usually caused by unhealthy lifestyle and improper nutrition. Since these animals are part of our families, we must always remember to take care of them like the way we take care of ourselves and of our loved ones.

To find out more about a well-researched, natural treatment for Urinary tract infection in pets, please visit

Puneet Aggarwal is a regular writer on Pet problems and suggests natural alternatives. If you have any questions, you may visit his website.

Urinary Problems in Cats Need a Natural Solution

Urinary disorders in cats are an all too common problem, in fact they are much more common than most pet owners realize since many urinary tract issues are misdiagnosed. But while urinary tract issues happen frequently, they can be managed easily and safely with natural treatments. Of course severe infections require antibiotics, but natural approaches can help if the infection is caught early.

The urinary system in cats is quite delicate and it can easily be affected by exposure to bad food, garbage and other every day items. Ingesting these types of substances can lead to bacterial infection, which in turn can balloon into other urinary problems in cats.

Once bacteria builds up in the urinary tract or bladder, your cat may begin to display a range of symptoms including fever, loss of appetite, the need to urinate frequently, the inability to produce any urine and pain while trying to do so. If these symptoms are present, you should take your cat to the vet immediately as they could be a sign of serious urinary disorders in cats.

Having diagnosed the underlying cause of your cat's symptoms, your vet will then be able to prescribe a course of treatment. For most urinary problems in cats, the common treatment is antibiotics, but this in itself can be problematic. Antibiotics, while easing the symptoms of urinary issues, can also weaken the immune system, leaving your pet more susceptible to other health problems.

The best way to treat bacterial infections and other urinary disorders in cats is to focus on the underlying cause of the problem and not just the symptoms. Natural products which contain a special blend of herbs and other plant based ingredients including arctostaphylos uva ursi and berberis vulgaris, will not only ease symptoms of urinary tract problems but also help to balance and control urinary tract health while working to strengthen your cat's immune system for total healing.

These homeopathic treatments represent an exciting advance in pet care which focuses on the overall well being of your cat. Of course, even natural products will only be truly effective at treating urinary problems in cats if they re implemented as part of a healthy lifestyle. Feeding your cat a good balanced diet, free of preservatives and additives, and making sure that it has continual access to a clean water supply will go a long way toward ensuring that your cat remains healthy and better able to fight off any kind of ailment.

Fighting off urinary disorders in cats can also be made easier by encouraging regular urination and hygiene habits. Cats are very sensitive about where they urinate and will avoid dirty litter boxes, so it is vital that you ensure continual access to a clean litter box, which can mean having more than one box for each cat you own.

A healthy cat is a happy cat and there are several simple steps you can take to maintain your cat's health. Make sure you consider all the options and don't be afraid to opt for the natural solution with homeopathic products. These product support the urinary system and help restore the PH of the urine to the levels needed to naturally fight infection and the formation of bladder stones. When it comes to keeping your cat healthy, nature really does know best so why not let the wonders of nature make the difference in your pet's life?

Jeff Grill is an editor of the Cat Health Guide and has written on many feline health problems. See this site for more information on cat urinary disorders.

Urinary Problems in Dogs - Tips, Suggestions, Curing

If you have would give me your undivided attention for a few minutes I would enjoy sharing an attention-grabbing story. If you are have experienced the disgust of urinary problems in dogs you are aware that this condition can cause your beloved four legged friend to lose urinary control in poorly chosen and often times surprising areas of the house (floors, closets, slippers and shoes, etc.). It is truly a helpless feeling when your beloved pet can no longer control urine flow. You have now joined the millions of pet owners who are living the nightmare of urinary problems in dogs. Not only can this condition be costly but urinary problems in dogs can be as trying and troublesome for pet owners as it is painful for dogs.

Your vet will more than likely tell you that there are no easy answers, that veterinary medicine does not have a solution, or perhaps suggest that you consider euphemizing (put to sleep) your dog. Severe urinary problems in dogs are not only a serious problem on many levels but are heartbreaking as well. Most experts are in agreement that the number one thing you need to do is establish what the underlying cause of the urinary problems in your dogs (dog). This probably will include a visit to the veterinarian clinic to confirm the cause.

There are a handful of common causes of urinary problems in dogs including a tumor, colon blockage (leading to straining and urine leakage), a birth defect, spinal cord or brain disease, urinary infection, bladder stones, or age related issues. In certain cases, such as with a birth defect or tumor, or a blocked colon the incontinence may only be treated with surgery. Surgery not only is dangerous but in cases that are brought about by colon problems the results of the surgery can lead to other more severe problems, such as a severe diarrhea.


If bladder stones, a loosened sphincter due to advancing age, or a bacterial infection are the cause of the urinary problems which are plaguing you dogs, your pet doctor will more than likely prescribe medication. Proceed with care when making the decision to give your pet prescription medication. The current groups of medications for treating urinary problems in dogs are very strong and can have potentially harmful side effects.


To heal urinary problems in dogs, without putting their physical condition at risk herbal and all natural treatments are a realistic alternative. You may automatically assume that herbal and natural treatments (such as herbal formulas and tincture) are ineffective or that they are some kind of rip off but recent research studies seem to support the view that they can be very useful due to their holistic approach.


A urinary problem in dogs is difficult to treat. Currently accepted conventional treatment options are often times limited and their efficacy has been called into question. The most sensible road to travel (both for safety and affordability) in your quest to cure urinary problems in dogs is to implement a broad spectrum approach through the use of herbal and natural treatments. This form of treatment will address any underlying condition which may be contributing to this problem, thus leading to a cure.


There are a few simple things you can do to treat and prevent urinary problems in dogs (and animals in general) and promote optimal health. These three simple steps are to give them plenty of fresh water to drink (preferably filtered), provide a diet consisting of raw and unprocessed foods, and adopt a broad spectrum approach implementing a well respected homeopathic supplement.


Natural remedies which put into action a homeopathic approach have been shown to be enormously helpful in treating animal urinary incontinence because they are made from natural tonics that work to strengthen the urinary system while maintaining a healthy bladder.


The focus of homeopathy is the simple principle that "like treats like." A substance that is known to cause urinary problems in healthy dogs can actually heal urinary problems in dogs when given in small doses.


Herbs for Maximum Benefit - Cantharis and Uva ursi: For maximum benefit choose a homeopathic formulacontaining cantharis and uva ursi. Cantharis works to maintain a healthy urine flow while calming the bladder while Uva ursi maintains normal pH levels of the urinary tract and is recognized as a urinary tonic.


What is the next step? Seriously consider taking this information and using it to help you find a homeopathic remedy to cure urinary problems in your dog or dogs. Homeopathy continues to rapidly gain popularity due to its safety and effectiveness in eliminating the symptoms, curing urinary problems in dogs, and attacking the root cause. This type of treatment sets the stage for a safe and complete recovery.

R.D. Hawkins is an expert in the field of natural health for people and their pet with almost 10 years experience. To learn more about homepathic natural health please visit Purchase

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